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As well as others, best bitcoin mixer has both a clear-web CryptoMixer. This mixing service is notable for accommodating extremely large-volume transactions. After public verification of their reserve of 2000 BTC there is no doubt that users can trust this mixing service and their cryprocurrencies will not be taken. The number of needed confirmations differs depending on the deposited amount, e.g. for depositing less that 25 BTC there is only 1 confirmation needed, in case of sending more than 1000 BTC a user needs to gather 5 confirmations. To use this platform, a best bitcoin mixer code needs to be created. A user should note it, so it is easy to use it next time. After entering a CryptoMixer code, users need to provide the output address or several of them and then set a time-delay feature. A delay time is determined automatically and a user can modify it if needed. A service fee can be also selected from the table depending on the sent sum. Each transaction requires additional fee of 0.0005 BTC. Also, a calculator on the main page helps every user to see the amount of crypto money sent and got back after mixing. Blender.io has a simple interface, it is easy to use and simple. Time-delay option can be set up to 24 hours. With regard to the fee, there is an additional fee of 0.0005 % per output address. As one of the few, this cryptocurrency tumbler provides a user with a special mixing code which guarantees that fresh crypto coins are not blended with previous deposits. Additional URL Blender is also here to guarantee that users can get to the tumbler, even if the main link is not working. Blender.io offers a good number of features and has a no logs policy. To get started, you’ll need to deposit a minimum of 0.0015 BTC with no transaction fees charged. As an added plus, Blender.io supports multiple addresses with a maximum of 5. You won’t have to register to use this service – which is great for those who prize their privacy. However, the site does not offer a referral program.


Based on the experience of many users on the Internet, bitcoin mixer is one of the leading Bitcoin tumblers that has ever appeared. This scrambler supports not only Bitcoins, but also other above-mentioned cryptocurrencies. Exactly this platform allows a user to exchange the coins, in other words to send one type of coins and get them back in another type of coins. This process even increases user’s anonymity. Time-delay feature helps to make a transaction untraceable, as it can be set up to 24 hours. There is a transaction fee of 0.0005 for each extra address. bitcoin mixer currently only supports Bitcoin mixes, however, it has plans to bring in ETH mixes in the near future. It has been featured on Bitcoin.com/ News BTC/ Crypto News/ The Next Web etc. hence building a bit of trust. Very modern, advanced, user-controlled interface. Allows upto 5 output addresses. Obviously, doesn’t keep any logs whatsoever. The user-control is impressive. You get to control the fund-distribution, as well as the time-delay for each output address manually. Even the fee can be set manually. The cheapest allowed fee is 0.5% which is more than acceptable. The highest is set at 5%. Obviously the 0.25mBTC blockchain transaction fee is attached on top of the selected fee. It even has a “strength meter” which shows how strong your mix is, based on all the factors you’ve selected. No registration required whatsoever. And it does provide the mixing code to ensure all outputs are fresh and not linked to any of your previous deposits. Grams itself is a brand on the Darknet so I believe not much needs to be said about it. Grams Helix is one of its subsidiaries and is one of the most reputed and widely used best bitcoin mixer services out there, it’s simple, modern, and definitely trustworthy. Grams supports only Bitcoins for now. It needs 2 confirmations before it cleans and sends you your coins. It obviously supports time-delay, but it’s automatically set to “2 hours” for some reasons. It also supports “Random transactions” for the deposit, the deposit address changes after each transaction and allows you to send more than 1 transactions to Grams Helix instead of sending in all your coins in a single go. The same is also supported for the “output addresses” (where you receive coins) and you can input as many as 5 different BTC addresses where your coins are sent after cleaning them. The coin-deposit address is valid for 8 hours, and any transaction not done within these 8 hours won’t be received by the platform.


КНИГА: "Библейский Моисей и последний царь Мари Зимри-Лим — один и тот же человек". USA, “THE EAST: Ancient & Modern”. 2021. ISBN: 9781953594990 (URL: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5f9757a86c94b928e6cde43e/bibleiskii-moisei-i-poslednii-car-mari-zimrilim--odin-i-tot-je-chelovek-613d01ef7899b063c2a3bbf7) (альтернативная ссылка: https://zen.me/YeRfzxx6)

АННОТАЦИЯ: В книге, ссылаясь на 3 независимых источника, написанные в XVIII в. до н. э., автор устанавливает, что основные персонажи Торы действительно существовали в реальной истории, и Исход евреев действительно произошёл. Ссылаясь на эти источники, автор восстанавливает истинную картину событий, а также и дальнейшую судьбу героев Пятикнижия. Согласно этим источникам автор утверждает, что Моисей есть последний царь Мари = Зимри-Лим; Иофор = Sumu-Epuh (царь Ямхада); «Фараон-угнетатель»=Samsi-Adad I (царь Ассирии); «фараон Исхода» = Хаммурапи (царь Вавилона), Кедорлаомер = Иисус Навин; страна Мадиям = Ямхад; Харран = Хауран = Batanaea = Paddan-Aram = область Васан, Тростниковое море = Мёртвое море, и Исход произошёл в 1759 г. до н. э. из Мари — через 2 года после оккупации её Хаммурапи. По утверждению автора, Моисей был убит насильственной смертью примерно в 1745 г. до н. э. на территории современной Иордании, Авраам был его младшим современником, и авторство «Бытия» принадлежит Иосифу.


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