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Alaska Airlines CEO says company found loose bolts on ‘many’ Boeing Max 9s
kraken тор

Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci revealed the carrier found “some loose bolts on many” Boeing 737 Max 9s in an interview for “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” on Tuesday.

It was the CEO’s first interview since a door plug on one of its Max 9 airplanes shot out from the side of the fuselage only a few minutes into a flight from Portland, Oregon, to Ontario, California, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing.

“I’m more than frustrated and disappointed. I am angry. This happened to Alaska Airlines. It happened to our guests and happened to our people,” Minicucci said, according to excerpts released ahead of the interview’s airing.

“Boeing is better than this. Flight 1282 should never have happened,” Minicucci said during the interview.

Boeing’s 737 factory will have what the company calls a “quality stand down” at its Renton, Washington facility Thursday, the company announced Tuesday.

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Alaska Airlines CEO says company found loose bolts on ‘many’ Boeing Max 9s
Кракен тор

Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci revealed the carrier found “some loose bolts on many” Boeing 737 Max 9s in an interview for “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” on Tuesday.

It was the CEO’s first interview since a door plug on one of its Max 9 airplanes shot out from the side of the fuselage only a few minutes into a flight from Portland, Oregon, to Ontario, California, forcing the pilot to make an emergency landing.

“I’m more than frustrated and disappointed. I am angry. This happened to Alaska Airlines. It happened to our guests and happened to our people,” Minicucci said, according to excerpts released ahead of the interview’s airing.

“Boeing is better than this. Flight 1282 should never have happened,” Minicucci said during the interview.

Boeing’s 737 factory will have what the company calls a “quality stand down” at its Renton, Washington facility Thursday, the company announced Tuesday.


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